
Viewing posts for the category Mozilla

Software Freedom and Linux Days 2016 Turkey

Software Freedom and Linux Days is one of biggest events in Turkey on Software Freedom and is Organised by Linux User Group Turkey (LUG) and Bilgi University every year starting from 2003. Its place where local users can gain knowledge about Free Software solutions from programming languages to applications, companies giving technical support for them and of course what is Free Software Philosophy and why its crucial to support this movement.

Mozilla Localization Hackathon in Istanbul

One of Localization Hackathons of Mozilla in 2015 was in Istanbul for Turkish, Azerbaijani, Russian, Kazakh and Uzbek L10n teams. Francesco Lodolo (:flod) and Axel Hecht (:Pike) from Mozilla L10n attended event and told about Mozilla Projects, Release Schedule, Tools, Virtual Participation Circle and Instructed teams in hackathon.