
Viewing posts for the category Ubuntu

Disable Touchscreen in Gnu/Linux

Some of new laptops have touchscreen functionality. It is fancy, but practically it is useless. Mostly, you touch it by mistake and it uses some battery.

Wireless mouse and keyboard freeze problem in laptops

This is very annoying when you use wireless keyboard or mouse and when you don't use it for few seconds it freezes.

Chunked-Encoded data error in php cURL requests

Few days ago we got a new problem, one part of our website stopped working, we used guzzle with Symfony2 to make requests to our RESTful API. After checking logs the only thing I could find was something like that:

How to disable some hotkeys in Ubuntu

I mostly don't use mouse, and doing everything from keyboard while working. But the most annoying thing is that while making something awesome in code editor or reading something good in firefox you can suddenly press Ctrl+Q (which exits from browser immidiatly without warnings) or Alt+F4 when you want to press Alt+F3. Everytime I loose time because of that hotkeys.

How to solve locale problem in Gnu/Linux (and Docker images)

After setting up a Gnu/Linux Server, Computer or a Docker image, you can get a locale error.